Our opinion in the most read newspaper of Hong Kong


We are glad to inform that the opinion of our firm has been taken up in a vey interesting article published in the most read newspaper of Hong Kong “South China Morning Post”, concerning the Chinese Investments in Europe. In this article our colleague Elvira Jimenez, who is in charge of our Hong Kong Office, explains the increasing interest of Chinese people in investing in Real Property in Spain, and as a result of such investment obtaining a European Golden Visa.

We highly recommend reading this article:

[ilink url=»http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1421691/eu-members-consider-selling-residency-attract-wealthy-chinese» style=»tick»]Article[/ilink]

After a relatively recent launch of the Investor’s visa legal framework in Spain, NET CRAMAN has started to advise and assist Chinese investors in all the legal matters concerning the investment and obtaining the European Golden Visa.

For more information concerning the requirements for obtaining a European Golden Visa you can check other entries in our blog as:

[ilink url=»https://net-craman.com/blog/?p=1639″ style=»tick»]Net Craman Notice[/ilink]

NET CRAMAN is the only Spanish Law and Tax Consultancy Firm with own offices in the south of China (Guangzhou) and Hong Kong.



(+34) 93 202 05 64 · abogadosasociados@net-craman.com