

The Chinese International Economic Cooperation Association (CIECA) from Taiwan, Titan Attorneys-At–Law and Net Craman have organized an event and networking between Taiwanese and Spanish companies.

Net Craman informed companies from the energy, renewables, machine tool, automobile and smart city technology sectors about the investing opportunities in the Spanish market and their related legal issues.

Taiwan is ranked 5th out of 42 economies in the Asia–Pacific region, and its overall score is well above the world average. Taiwan’s export-driven, dynamic economy benefits from a well-functioning legal framework and a tradition of private-sector entrepreneurship. The efficient business environment is facilitated by a competitively low corporate tax rate and the elimination of minimum capital requirements for incorporating a company.

CEICA promotes and cement international economic cooperation through collaboration between businessmen and private business organizations with their counterparts in foreign countries.

See the pictures: [button link=»» size=»small» style=»download»]Picture 1[/button] [button link=»» size=»small» style=»download»]Picture 2[/button] [button link=»» size=»small» style=»download»]Picture 3[/button]
