

NET CRAMAN LAWYERS has been invited by the Chamber of Commerce in Sevilla and the Galician Institute for Economic Promotion (IGAPE) in Santiago de Compostela to participate as speaker in two conferences on the diverse legal and tax issues impacting business in China and ASEAN.

Our Managing Partner in Asia, Álvaro de Luis, analyzed the advantages of using Hong Kong as the best hub for business towards Mainland China and the South East Asian markets, as to legal safety, tax optimisation and operational efficiency.

NET CRAMAN shared the panel in Seville with representatives from Invest Hong Kong (a Hong Kong government agency), ICEX, Extenda and CESCE. The attendees were also able to listen to the success stories of LÁNDALUZ (Asociación Empresarial Alimentos de Andalucía, a reference entity in the Andalusian agrifood sector) and ACESUR (a 150 years old company, producer of olive oil).

In Santiago de Compostela, together with the semi public Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), we shared our experience with the companies CAMPER (a footwear company present in more than 40 countries and broadly established in Asia) and MOONOFF (a successful designer and manufacturer of LED products).

NET CRAMAN’s experience in Asia started in 2007, when we opened our Guangzhou office and, from our latest office in Hong Kong too, we keep striving for offering the highest quality advice possible, understanding our clients’ needs, their businesses, and protecting their interests under the respective applicable laws.

Some pictures of both events: [button link=»https://net-craman.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Sevilla-2.jpg» size=»small» style=»download»]Sevilla[/button][button link=»https://net-craman.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Sevilla.jpg» size=»small» style=»download»]Sevilla 2[/button] [button link=»https://net-craman.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Santiago.jpg» size=»small» style=»download»]Santiago[/button]

[ilink url=»https://amp-expansion-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/amp.expansion.com/pymes/2017/04/12/58e7bb23268e3e191b8b45fa.html» style=»note»]New of interest[/ilink]

