

Last 24th November, Mr. Álvaro De Luis, our Managing Director in Asia, has participated as speaker in a Seminar organized by the Shenzhen Lawyers Association during the VI International Business Innovation Forum.

NET CRAMAN was accompanied by two other European Law Firms, Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli Partners ( and Stibbe (

We have presented the legal framework in Spain, how to run a cross-border transaction, cultural issues, misunderstanding and pitfalls in Sino-European deals, business opportunities and the tax advantages to invest to Latin-America through Spain.

The Seminar was attended by Chinese Lawyers, Consultants specialized in both immigration and human resources.

NET CRAMAN had the opportunity to answer several interesting questions and inform the audience about the advantages to invest in Spain.

Photo [ilink url=»» style=»download»]Seminar 1[/ilink]

Photo [ilink url=»» style=»download»]Seminar 2[/ilink]

Photo [ilink url=»» style=»download»]Seminar 3[/ilink]

Photo [ilink url=»» style=»download»]Seminar 4[/ilink]

